Sunday, February 12, 2017

5, 6, 7 ... and then there's what I REALLY want to talk about ...

As someone who's disabled, there really are no more weekends, just one day at a time, so I don't truly have so-called "weekend goals" (5)

I think I'm going to skip the least favorite words, in hindsight (6)

Goals for my blog?!  (7)  Sort of scratching my head at this one, as I'm no Fashion Mumblr or what was once Young House Love (don't even get me started on THAT ONE ....)

But then there's what I'd really rather blog about, anyway :)

In The Upper Room daily devotional for Sunday, Feb. 12th, is a devotional written by Patrick Castleberry, of Mississippi, who writes about "I have a habit of living in the past.  I find myself wondering how my life would have turned out had I done things differently."  Insightful devotional, that goes on try to teach us "God does not want any of us to live in the past ... We can enjoy the present as we experience God's love."

BUT I LOVE THE PAST!!! - whether its my own, my parents, or things that are in the vintage line, including clothes, movies, books & magazines, etc, etc, etc ....

The past fuels story ideas and influences what I watch and read, but - more than that --

It brings me to a much better location!  

Oh, sure, sure - there's all this talk about "be here NOW" and "stay in the moment" and all that's well and good, and I agree with that, even participate in that!  BUT  

Why would you want to be very present in the moment if you're undergoing a medical procedure?!  Or you're sitting in a courtroom, and not as a support person, either?!

What if you've just had it up to your neck with seeing disrespectful young men in pants that glorify prison rape and women half-naked and both sexes talking out of sewers?!!

What if your own life sucks, in plain English, and you want to transport yourself even just for a few minutes, hours, time it takes to put pen to paper ...???!   What if you have a darned good inkling what dating again at 53 years old would look like ... and would rather see far better dates?!  Or with families ... with homes .... go on, you can add your own here ______________

I soooo love the past!!!  

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