Friday, July 8, 2016

It was a joke ... or so I 'thought' ....

One of my favorite things are documentaries - not a real surprise, considering I prefer reading non-fiction 9 to 1, and generally only pick up fiction if it comes recommended ... Last evening, I watched a documentary on Gilberto Valle, the so-called 'cannibal cop' in NYC; once you started watching this particular film, especially when you saw that the title involved the words 'thought police', you could see that perhaps the filmmaker was leaning towards the defense's side - i.e. what is said online is pure fantasy and if we convict this man, than we are being Orwellian thought police and going down a slippery slope - or - was it, now??? .......

Let me start by telling you that I thought I knew what the particulars were, but it wasn't until I started watching this movie - and also doing searches on another webpage - that I realized I didn't - and for me personally, that was a caution:  I'm one ready to give my opinion, to tell you what I think, what I believe -- but I didn't have all the facts in this case.  Just. the. facts. m'am.  Yeahhh -- being a writer, there are several fictional detectives - from Andy Sipowicz to the devout Catholic Irishman in 'Naked City' - that I would like to write this out as fiction and 'with him as a boss' ... to work out all the horror and grossness and looming fear I have now that I have the whole story in front of me ....

There was a wife with a newborn who was looking at a husband never joining her in there martial bed, but instead staying up all night long on the computer - so she did what any intelligent woman would do: she installed spyware.  What she found, she brought immediately to the FBI AND moved herself and her baby out of harm's way - kudos to Kathleen!!!  Because what she read was about her husband and these online friends with lists of women, including pictures, including herself, with recon he had been able to do because he was a cop and could access the police database and follow women around the city, and exactly how they planned to kidnap, rape, and then cook and eat, these victims.

The jury heard all of this difficult testimony ... and - while they were all agreed that he had misuse of a police database, so "guilty" - the conspiracy to kidnap was one they had to work-out ... and this movie takes you through that process, including an interview with "Juror X", who remained in darkness, and understandably so! ... Along with this, there were interviews with all types of top psychologists and writers in the field, and you started to put pieces together on your own:  He says he's had these thoughts since he was six - that's around the time of his parents divorce, because his father was verbally abusive to his mother - but this was the first safe place - DarkFetish Net - he ever felt safe enough to talk about them.  And that this was his relief from a highly stressful job - and his mother concurs with that ?!! saying that some would go to a gym but her son did this instead ?!!!  My God, my God!  Its a miracle he actually didn't do any of this, but he sure was highly capable, he sure had more power and access than the average fetish writer, and that trip to Maryland with his wife and daughter wrapped up as an innocent "seeing my old friends from college" trip, surely was recon on one specific potential victim!!!

The jury finds him guilty, and you think that's a blanket statement, and that is THAT.  If it were, I possibly may not even be writing this blog piece ... because a judge overturned it, and he was acquitted ?!!!  Which immediately sent me googling and trying to track him down TODAY .. apparently, he has 'a job in another field', a GIRLFRIEND?!, and is trying to reestablish contact with his child, who is now four years old ... and I for one am scared several ways from Sunday on this subject - are you???

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