Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ode to the near-perfect vacuum ....

My sweet little Delilah sometimes likes to sleep on the kitchen counter, with her head protectively hovering over the dish of dry kibble I leave out all the time in case of a 'cat snack attack' ... well, when I woke up this afternoon, I discovered that apparently her head had gone all the way in (must have been a good dream!) and - pop! overended the dish and now I had kibble-carpet : ok, almost anything would be an improvement on this rug, but ;)

... not a problem, I figured:  I'd vacuum it up ... now, me and vacuuming are not usually friends, because of my back problems ... over the years, I've 'test-driven' many a so-called 'lightweight' vacuum, and even the high-end Oreck was too much for me to push and pull!  This vacuum I purchased from Wal-Mart when I moved here; I didn't need to plug it in, just push it back and forth - you should have seen the looks I got in the store when I did that ;)~~  I believe it was called a stick vacuum; it cost around twenty-two bucks; and - for almost the past five years, it has repeatedly shown me that even a nasty indoor-outdoor rug can actually look halfway decent after it has a pass at it!; that it can suck-up the kitchen lino, too; and even did a fine job, when borrowed for a temporarily vacuumless friend w/ a 70s shag ....

.... said sort-of-turquoise-y odd colored vacuum generally lives in the closet, when it's not being "Fred" that would scare the daylights out of CoCo, previously, and Delilah, currently ... however... the last time I went to put it away - sigh.  Look:  there was a bunch of Jean-clutter by the closet, and I was having kind of a wobbly day; ergo, I sort of did a short toss over everything, it landed leaning against the closet door, and - ok! that works! .....

.... so, now we have the kibble avalanche ... and ... I reached over everything and grabbed "Fred" - only to find out my previous toss had broken it ;-  I was half-surprised - because you have to smack the dust catcher bin back on and that's never hurt it - half-not, because of the whole "disposable trendwear" line of how things are stitched together (or not!) currently .... 

... well,  I thanked the vacuum for its cleaning service, and walked it to the dumpster ... and came back in to try to sweep up the cat food - which worked surprisingly well!  --- 

-- but -- yeahhhh.  Will I be able to find (ok - afford?!!!)  another Fred?!! --

-- ahhh, Fred:  even if I didn't tell you I loved you, as you sucked in all the stuff that landed on this skin-ripping-textured rug - you were very much appreciated!  Sorry your ending was so --

-- ruff.

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