Saturday, May 17, 2014

Disposable to some ... gifted & talented to many!

I went over to the 'flea' connected to the spring festival here in my little town, and one of the vendors I was looking for was this nice guy who sells discounted kitchen towels and etc., as his retirement project ...

Well, today he had these beautiful framed lighthouse portraits!!!  I nearly bought the box (and ya know I'm still debating about going back & doing so :)  ) 

When I went to pay for them, he told me the story behind them :

Several years back now, he was introduced (through his girlfriend) to a nice couple who had a daughter that was multi-handicapped - not so sure of all the particulars, just that amongst many things she has got going on there, she has one arm ... she was just a teenager then ... shy, quiet ... but when she heard that he sells assorted items through the 'flea circuit', with her painful speech, she managed to ask "Do you have old calenders?"  ... he figured -sure, what the hell?, and he gave her a stack ...

The next time he went back to visit, he was stunned speechless when he saw how professionally she had cut the pictures out and placed them in frames!  "It's her little hobby, you know," her daddy smiled proudly.

"Forget hobby!" he exclaimed.  "Young lady, you have a business!" and he began selling her pictures ... giving a gravely disabled person an actual income out of something she can create!!!

She was not well enough to be there at this event, but he's hopeful:  she was there last year ... and... she's still creating!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great story.....such a caring soul!! It's great to see you back writing again!!
