Saturday, December 31, 2016

Three Things (and) New Year's Eve ....

I don't know if I want to continue this series in 2017 - what I'm thinking is to write out daily gratitude, but perhaps not to limit it to three ... or to write extensively on one.  Hmmm.  As for this day --

1.  Altho sore, my legs are working, to where I'm able to walk around; and I'm very, very grateful that despite any & all physical limitations, I was able to help out a friend last night when she truly needed help +

2.  Delilah, 

3.  and Big Mom,

4.  and those who love them as much as I do!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Three Things Friday the eve of the eve ;)

1.  Christmas presents! that include a new vacuum via gift card, and --

2.  -- the opportunity to have the greatest burger evah! if I felt up to it.

3.  The ability to make that road trip at all.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Three Things Thurs Dec 29th

And God bless all my friends having a rough time of it +

1.  Netflix serving up even more tv that I'm actually interested in, than Amazon Prime :)  (Wait ... I haven't checked their Bluebloods situation - but, so far ....!)

2.  With a melted cat on the lap or curled up on the desk AND

3.  A 'spare' ;)  in the kitchen (for right now, anyway ...)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Three Things December 27th

1.  One sleeping cat on the desktop, another taking a refreshing microwave-top nap.

2.  So much available online @ the ends of my hands!

3.  Surprise gifts, like Christmas wreaths (please see my Facebook status for that story!)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

I forgot ;- ! Three Things Christmas to Tues December 27th

1.  Peacefulness within my own home.

2.  A (usually ...) working internet.

3.  Plenty of kitty-cat food!  Meoooow!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Three Things Christmas Eve 2016

There are those in this small community tonight who lost their apartments to a raging fire - I am saddened for them; grateful for the others in this and nearby communities who will reach out to help them in whatever ways that they can (meals, clothes, a place to sleep, the necessities of life - there's a donation bin already @ Family $  ...) ... grateful that I have the proverbial roof over my head, for myself, Delilah, and Big Mama!!!  Grateful for everyone that has so much blessed us this Christmas, beyond anything!!!  ... Can I possibly think of three more things?! --

1.  That - when someone thinks of my cats - the first thought that comes to their mind is "entirely edible" ;)

2.  The winning shows I can access on Amazon Prime (tho there should be far more available, Amazon!) until mid-Jan.

3.  Sitting and marinating with one (sometimes two!) cats while I do the above!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Three things Friday December 23d

1.  That everything turned out with Dave's eye last night (and that I was able to assist)!  My friend///neighbor was rushed to hospital by ambulance because some cleaning solution got splashed into his eyes when he was struggling to open a new bottle.

2.  Amazon Prime !

3.  Lap Delilah while I watch #2!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Three Things for Thurs Dec 22d

1.  Santa arriving early with gift cards - that buy cat food AND a book on prayers for anxious hearts!

2.  The ability to drive, and 3.  The vehicle to drive (LORD, preserve it!)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Three things Weds December 21st

1.  Christmas invitations!

2.  My friends new-to-him jeep, from a surprise loan!

3.  As frustrated as I am with what's not on Amazon Prime, there are good things to watch that are!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Hey ... where's her Three Things?! ;)

These big companies like to give you the big come-on, but there's always a catch - take Amazon, for example.  "Try Prime free for a month!" - sure, sure - but you need plastic to hold that free month!  Well ... I received a gift card for filling out a survey and so NOW I'm buried in the tv shows I started watching and have missed the last two, three seasons of :)  I'll cancel it in just a few weeks, because I can't afford Prime ... but, for now, I'm watching Bluebloods and The Americans!  (another come-on: one show I can only watch if I'm subscribed to Showtime - boo, hiss!!!)  So I am very, very grateful, and tv watch binging, and haven't even been on Facebook for a couple of days, which is unheard of for me ;)  

Ok, so WHAT ELSE am I grateful for?!! 

1.  A library of magazines, catalogs, and books - and considering I often read while I watch ...

2.  Good things to eat for kitty-cats and person!

3.  The God-given gift of my writing ... fan-fiction, they call it; I call it "fixing what the writers did wrong"  ;)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

It was the cat's pajamas!

A while back now, a dear friend was invited to a house party ... and - when she was filling me in on the event - she ALSO spoke about how wonderfully clean and pretty the house was! which was in sharp contrast to where and how she was currently living en famille  ...

This is one of the things that went through my mind last evening, as I went to the country house beautiful, something out of a magazine, house, of two friends of mine, for a Christmas party ... It wasn't the Jeannee-clutter of having the contents of a house, squished into a 3 room with bath, apartment .... And it was something else, too:  it was a testament of the "made with love" that this couple has had over the past 30 years of marriage and everything that has gone into building a life, together.  I've lived around that, visited extensively around that (as in last evening, with an abundance of grab and go foods that were perfect for visiting over!) -- but I've never had that, because no other human being has ever decided that aging (gracefully or not!) with me is worthwhile.  Dear Sweet CoCo hung in nearly twenty years, God bless her! but no one who has ever claimed that they love me in a couple relationship ....

So last night was many things - Christmastime-energized!  Fun fellowship under God's aegis! my most favorite, YUMMY!, style of Christmas cookies!  Energetic singing led out by my dear friend and truly talented, coffeehouse-style, singing friend Rosemary! -- but it was also the above ....................................................................

Friday, December 16, 2016

(Early) Three Things for Friday December 16th

I have a dinner party invitation tonight, and - even tho it is bitter cold, with the kiss of the artic blast making even my heavy coat and bundling up nearly noneffective! (as I discovered this a.m., around mid-morning, NOT early, early) -- I have been looking forward to this since I was invited! So, I'm publishing early (and maybe later???) ....

1.  My fingers can type, my keyboard works, my electric works, my computer works, my brain works,  my Internet is ON!

2.  I have a phone - not something I'm always grateful for, admittedly!, but I know I should be very, very grateful because It. Has. Been. Provided.

3.  Every single time I feel the holidays are taking an X-Acto knife to my heart, God shows up - in friends, in videos, in my cats ... God is EVERYWHERE!!!  (Gee, that reminds me of the old saying - 'Jesus Is Coming - Look Busy!'  ;) )

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Three Things, Thurs, December 15th

1.  Good naps! ... and apartments that finally warm-up, when you do it the "Poverty Flats" way ;)

2.  Finding more notebooks to write in.

3.  Drinking out of the same cups my parents once did.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Three Things Weds, Dec. 14th

1.  I am tremendously blessed, to have the friends that I do!!!

2.  I'm online, and thus I'm connected to so many, many terrific persons :) plus information and "tv" (Youtube videos).

3.  Delilah and Big Mama ... whenever I'm upset, our bonds have deepened with there constant attention - especially from, but not limited to!, Miss Delilah (after all ... she learned it from her cat-mom : ) !)   Delilah is very much 'the necklace' when I need one ... and Big Mama is a great comfort on her side of the bed, with her pillow, her blanket, and her Raggedy Ann's ;)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Hey! What happened to Three Things for Tues the 13th?!!

The Brits cover everything from an infected hangnail, to recovery from quad bypass surgery, when they say "oh ... she was unwell."  So, essentially, that's what happened to me on Tues!  However, I can still recall Three Things --

1.  Loving friends!

2.  Being able to pray and see what Providence is, in my life  + + +

3.  Plenty of food in the house :)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Three Things Sunday December 11th

1.  Christmas pierogi's!  A dear friend unexpectedly surprised me with $ inside a Christmas card.  I'm no Martha Stewart, doing a pictorial with Big Martha on making them completely homemade ;)  I'm that girl who buys them frozen and then boils them - but at $10 a bag now ;-  So you can see why I'm so happy!!!   YUM!  (As I tried to draw a word picture for someone, think of them like Polish Ravioli's, with cheese and potato inside.)

2.  NOT grateful about seeing freezing rain in the forecast for later on this week BUT grateful knowing I should have enough supplies to stay inside :)

3.  PLENTY of cozy blankets!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Three things Saturday Dec 10th

1.  Online friends who become friends of the heart (I know, I know ... I'm repeating myself, but it's on my list again today because.)

2.  The gift of a little baby Christmas tree!  My dear friend is moving and she doesn't want to take it with her. (Oh dear ... let's hope my black thumb doesn't do away with it!)

3.  Christmas cards in the mail!  Christmas cards to write!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Three Things Friday December 9th

1.  Today is the birthday of a former work friend that I remember being so supportive and a really nice guy, so that brings a happy memory and a prayer that all is well with him + grateful he was in my life! especially at a job that I truly grew to despise!!!

2.  I've been going through an IBS 'attack' - its slowed down some, but is still going on, somewhat ... why am I putting that on my Three Things list?!  .... well, as I've mentioned, I've been doing little bits of cleaning here and there - and last evening I found a box with more bathroom spray - just when mine was almost out, too ;)  Three (or four?) different varieties, no less!  Even found some Jean Nate splash (ironically, because its also the birthday of an old friend who used to call me that as a nickname ;) ) and now my bowl smells really nice ;)~~~

3.  So ... I'm going through this IBS attack ... and ... my walking has been pretty darnedy good! with only a couple of near-whoopsies!  

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Three Things Thurs December 8th

1.  Its truly amazing how even a tiny, tiny bit of housekeeping can make a HUGE difference (at least, to the one residing in it - mebbe not to 'outsiders' ;)  )

2.  Friends of the heart you can meet online, especially ones that by geography and/or circumstance, you may not have otherwise met.  We truly do live in amazing times!

3.  Plenty to read (and pass along, too - bless you, Booksavers!!!) !

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Three things, Weds, Dec 7th

1.  Judy's miracle!

2.  Filled out a supermarket survey and won a gift card :)

3.  Two cats who love to be by me (stop being so annoyed when they hog everything, Jean!)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Three Things Tues. Dec. 6th

1.  The absolute power of prayer +  the power of a God that knows no time - no past, present, or future - but is timeless + the power of the Internet to be utilized for such things as prayer and spiritual food - praise God, indeed!  +  From Denis & Cathy Nolan, to Slice of Lyme & The Frey Life - the examples are BOUNDLESS!!!  Praise God, indeed + + + + + + 

2.  Big Mama taking her perch on top of the computer so that I can type this out with the keyboard flat on the desk ;)  thank you, dear!  nice getaway you have - up higher, that kitty-cats purrfer!

3.  And Delilah - how can I not name the soft and quite warm 'melted cat', that sits so often on my lap? ... and is learning to gently tap (well .. sometimes!) instead of grabbing me with a paw with nails out (no! no!)

Monday, December 5, 2016

Three Things Monday December 5th

I am a sad woman today ... I almost positive this has been behind (pun intended!) my IBS attack over the past several days.  I was just journaling it out, to get it out.  And now the daily alarm has been set (the one where I pray for my country and my minister) and - now, along with that - I have self-'promised' to write three things.  This is a tough, tough day for it, but I'm sure its going to help! so, here goes .....

1.  That I WASN'T that woman who fell in Food Lion around 5.30 this afternoon, when my shoe hit what turned out to be gum someone had rudely spit on the floor - my foot did go flying, but my two hands on the carriage and amazingly, my other leg, supported me, until I get my shoe off and figure it all out.  So yes I am grateful I'm not at RMH, I wasn't rushed by ambulance, my friend Rosemary got to say hello to me and didn't see me in a heap, and that I am home to type this out, with Delilah on my lap!!!

2.  That I KNOW - I absolutely know without the shadow of a doubt - that my God is beside me in each and every one of my challenges - I am never, ever alone - and often the receiver of miracles + 

3. The practical things - coffee, non-dairy creamer, saltines for my stomach.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Three Things Sunday December 4th

1.  That I can express God through the gift of writing He has blessed me w/

2.  That I'm NOT hitting the bottle; that there are online places to go, for sobriety.  MANY!  Staying Cyber is one.  There are email groups, too ... and real-time meetings!

3.  That - if my health holds - I can go with someone this week to be a support person at an extremely difficult challenge-time of her life.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

three things sat dec 3

1, 2,3.  having 2 type this in awkward position because of two loving cats - one on top of my desk!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Three Things Friday December 2d

1.  There's no shortage of Brit crime on Youtube - thank goodness!

2. A gorgeous gift of a CASE! of shrimp raman noodles :)

3. Being able to nourish my girls w/ special Fancy Feast today!